Some uneducated people might think that this new coronavirus is apolitical but the evidence is gathering that it has all the characteristics which makes it more lethal among certain sections of society. Originating in a communist country, its left wing character is on full view to even the most impartial observer. It has even been reported by a senator that the virus may have been created in the laboratory by the communist government. The method of its escape has yet to be revealed. At present the virus fails to discriminate between rich and poor or well educated and non-educated. It has even ignored our standard racial parameters. History, however, has taught us that diseases such as cholera, typhoid and the Spanish flu, killed far more of the working classes and that given the unsanitary conditions of many of their homes this was understandable. During great plagues of the past the rich and propertied were able to sensibly cut themselves off on their estates. Only by isolating ourselves from those who are infected can we hope to preserve society from disaster. Luckily we have a President who fully understands the issues and is ready to defend us even when in India.