The Opinion Pages are a wonderful opportunity to see inside the heads of fellow citizens and editorial writers. Today we were regaled by Robert Robb's questioning whether the response to COVID-19 is entirely necessary given the damage it will do to the economy. It's a Catch 22 debate. If he is correct, what's a few extra deaths of older people measured against the loss of jobs and a major recession? If he is wrong, will we be watching the columns of National Guard lorries carrying the coffins from the hospitals as they are in Bescia in Italy at the moment? Then there's a Sun City loyalist, recalling the sacrifices their generation made in WW2 fighting fascism and lamenting the irresponsibility of modern youth flocking to the beaches in a time of crisis. Harrumph. Harrumph. Our country is led by a man who spends time worrying more about his hair and the even application of his facial tan. What we need is leadership. Perhaps a man with polio who knows about suffering. We are doing battle with a virus. Here's a plan. These are the choices. There will be deaths. Opinions are just that. Opinions.