The sudden crisis of conscience on the part of some Arizonans re: the immorality and venal nature of President Trump is quite touching, especially since 1,252,401 voted for him in 2016. The new moral perspective and the call for all Americans to share the values of "civic culture, truth, respect, honor, competency, freedom, and concern for our fellow man," as a letter writer put it, should comfort one. The question to ask is whether or not we believe Trump's hit man, Michael Cohen, when he writes in his tell all book that "he bore witness to the real man, in strip clubs, shady business meetings and to the unguarded moments when he revealed who he really was, a cheat, a liar, a fraud, a bully, a racist, a predator, a con man." Did we know all this in 2016? Or were we dazzled by the gold toilets, the glamour of the Trump name, the personal jet, the failed businesses, paying off porn stars, touching p**** at the pageants, bragging about his intelligence? Americans are known for being trusting people. We're fond of snake oil salesmen, the spirit of the old west. Didn't we know all this then? At least you cannot accuse Trump of being inconsistent. He hasn't changed one bit.