Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


As COVID-19 decimates the economy and the numbers of infected and dead continue to rise, Arizonans have taken the remedies into their own hands. State and Federal leadership has been contradictory, befuddled and inept. We are coping, social distancing, wearing masks and testing more. There are hurdles ahead but there are some sparks of light. But if it takes all this for us to face up to a problem we can't see and whose presence can only be judged from the statistics and worn and anxious faces of medical personnel, how much harder will it be to convince people to change their normal ways of living because of global climate change? We know the summers are getting hotter, the weather is changing but the big picture, ice melting in the Arctic and Antarctic, sea levels rising, increased CO2 in the atmosphere are as esoteric as the virus. Why should we stop using fossil fuels because of something we can't see? We are sleepwalking into disaster. In less than forty years our children, facing existential problems such water shortages, will be asking, "Surely you knew this was going to happen back in 2020? And you did nothing. Look at the mess. This was avoidable." So was COVID-19.