The farcical behavior of this administration, its failure to ring alarm bells, its failure to provide testing, a whole month lost while the virus took hold in the US, the richest country in the world with the best scientists and now, as the figures of the infected mount, and the death toll rises, the Arizona Republic lamely, meekly, continues to bleat about the economic losses and the damage to the economy. The stupidity of Trump is there for all to see and yet the paper is too frightened of alienating its core of Trump supporters. Shame on the newspaper. What might it have done to prevent this catastrophe and the deaths? Its real message like Trump's? COVID-19 is only going to kill a few thousand or so people...only 20% of the population will get sick. So the virus is out there. It's a nasty enemy. Probably Spanish or Chinese. How are we supposed to know where it is? It's too late. We will have a vaccine eighteen months. Ventilators are coming.... soon... we think... maybe....and the testing is coming. Isn't it? Just take your temperature and if you are sick email your doctor. You don't have insurance? Hard luck.