Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

TRUMP - A JOKE (3/22)

The final joke is on us, electing a President who's a windbag and a snake oil salesman. We bought his magic ointment. Some of us just washed our hands and said, "Whatever." Others promised a great draining of the swamp in Washington. "The end of the deep state. Banishing the faceless leftist bureaucrats who were undermining the American way of life." Lesko, Biggs, Gosar, Schweikert all wore their Make America Great hats. McSally is now wearing hers. But pandemics are beautifully anonymous, invisible, apolitical. They have no racial or religious affiliations. They discriminate but between the young and healthy and the old and sick. They are patient. They wait until the conditions are right and human beings are too full of themselves and they remind us all, we are vulnerable, that flesh is weak, and none of us escape the final pandemic, death. They teach us compassion, gentleness, that family means more than anything and we are all part of the human race, that the color of our skin is irrelevant, our million dollar house is just a house, that wealth is an illusion that the nurses, medical staff and doctors and the workers filling the empty shelves are true heroes.