The common defense of those who believe Donald Trump is doing a good job and saving the nation and the economy, is that he is a victim of haters. He, himself works hard to cultivate the idea, pinpointing enemies such as the press, the deep state, socialists, Democrats - anybody, it doesn't matter but if they're even the slightest bit critical in any way, he attacks them. It's a technique he has always used. It works. Perceived critics and enemies are removed. His other technique is to praise himself and the wonderful job he is doing, how fantastic and splendid his administration is. By repeating it often enough and loudly enough, people will believe him. And so as a country we stagger along from disaster to disaster with Trump enveloped by his narcissistic haze and requiring praise and recognition from anyone who might be near or wants something. He measures his success by the sycophantic bleatings of Hannity and crew. The White House is choc a bloc with courtiers tripping over each other to agree with him. I am, however, eagerly awaiting the day when a little boy comes into the White House and says, "Mummy why doesn't that man have any clothes on." And people get it.