I hope alarm bells are sounding in the Republican headquarters in Arizona. The state might go purple in November. The problem is that better educated people have been moving into suburban areas of the state because of the economy and cheap housing. Our happy-go-lucky rural populations are just fine. They are loyal Trump supporters. As far as they are concerned Trump is showing it to the world and getting Washington sorted out. The problem is that business is good. Trump's the man they should support. He had the good sense to give rich people more money. These new urban people buying up property are probably from New York and California where a lot socialists, and liberals and foreigners hang out as well as criminals. These people have fancy notions about freedom and people's rights. In Arizona the main right is to carry a gun and use it if you have to. This is the American way. It is difficult to know what to do for the best. The more prosperous Trump makes us, the more these liberals move in and the more purple we become. This is what I call the horns of a dilemma. Perhaps we should just stop educating people or put some more walls up.