Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Before the election in 2016 you wrote in your editorial that Donald Trump was unfit to become the next President. Being a business owner and entrepreneur is fine but the responsibility of being leader of the free world proved out of his experience and his skills were out of place. It was an experiment. Watching the fiasco of the debate on Tuesday drove the point home. Diplomacy, political savvy, nuance, understanding, honesty and just the ability to listen were all lost in the free-for-all. I expected little so I was not disappointed. I honestly have faith that the American people are bigger than that, that the ideals of our democracy and our willingness to debate and argue stand firm, that these four years are an experiment, an opportunity to learn what works and what does not. We put a bull in the china shop and he performed as expected. It's not all his fault. Now we have to get the bull out of the china shop and start replacing and mending the china. The greatness of America is that we, the people, do this. That's how the system was set up. The virtue of patience, the rejection of darkness, the hope for a better tomorrow are part of our dream. We need to vote and move on.