Donald Trump seems fond of war metaphors and is pushing to have himself seen as a War President. He is willing to defend the economy with his last breath. First into battle he is sending all the old people... they've had their chance and will make good virus fodder... next the doctors and nurses... heroic people who will sacrifice their lives for the sake of the common good. I am sure he will have some statues erected for them after it's all over. A bit like sending the kamikazes into battle but without guns. Protective gear? Face masks? They should all be happy to die for their country. Respirators? What are they? Are there any profits to be made? The virus is only going to kill 3% of the population... statistically it won't be me. The Governors should sort it out especially in blue states. What do you mean we don't know where the enemy is? Test everybody? Far too expensive...It's going to be a beautiful Easter. Everyone will go to church. Mitch McConnell has promised me I can have a statue like the Lincoln Memorial. Really big, tremendously big. A perfect statue.