Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


It is interesting to be told that the strain of COVID-19 infecting and killing us here in Arizona, as far as we know from all the testing not being done, is of the European variety. Now we have someone to blame. Probably the Italians. Of course the President called it initially a Chinese virus. This was an understandable mistake. To his credit he didn't call it a Mexican or an African virus. Unlike Japanese-Americans who were responsible for Pearl Harbor and had to be quarantined for their own good, he is not now suggesting that anyone of Asian descent has brought this disaster on white America. The President is always careful to find the right people to blame. More importantly it is a "nasty" virus like the reporters who ask him those nasty questions. It's an unseen enemy upsetting the most beautiful economy, which was previously so tremendous. Thank goodness for his leadership. We should count ourselves blessed at this holy time, to have the benefit of his voice soothing the nation's brow as our nurses and doctors fight for their lives and ours. Hopefully history will eventually judge this President for the great leader he believes himself to be.