Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Why this sense of shock that Governor Ducey rewards the organizations whose board members contributed to his campaign and not those who didn't? Isn't that the way the system is supposed work? It's for a good cause after all. The money was for food banks. You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours. This is Trump's main foreign and domestic policy tool. "Give me some dirt on Biden and I'll give you the money." "Help me get re-elected and I will make sure you get your corn." America respects money and the power of money. The poor, the sick, the homeless, the old, the helpless, the single moms, meat factory workers, illegals? Let them work a bit harder. Let them eat cake or go back to where they came from. This is America. Here you get what you pay for. It's called Capitalism with a big C. And remember the golden rule. Those with the Gold rule! Don't listen to all that socialist, egalitarian, left wing, communist nonsense. The police should have rocket launchers. They are protecting us against murderers and criminals. Show these protesters we mean business. Did you see that house which went for 4.6 million? What a bargain and wasn't it beautiful. This is what America is about.