Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


What is wrong with our present society? Why mass protests? Why police armed to the teeth? Why the biggest prison population in the world? The answer is not that difficult to understand. Unfairness. The playing field is tilted in favor of white people, those who can afford lawyers, those who have accumulated wealth over generations. As the economic divisions widen, the society becomes more unfair and the frustrations foment. The 'haves' blame the discontent on subversive political elements. The have-nots end up with their noses pressed against the window looking at the wealth, the property, the affluence. Where are the opportunities for them to succeed, to bring up a family, own property, afford health care, educate their children? Where's the hope that if they work hard, obey all the rules, pay taxes, their children can get a good education and succeed? If we want to level the playing field we must make sure those on lower income are not the victims of predatory lenders, that there's a pathway to home ownership, that healthcare and affordable child care are available, that victims of past discrimination have special advantages. This is what Singapore did and look at them now.