Far be it to question the general education level of those elected to govern, but equating the need to vaccinate the population to prevent us suffering a further wave of deaths from COVID puts us on a par with Communist China is on about the same level as equating using chopsticks as a sign of left wing infiltration. The stupidity seems to have no end. Out of respect one does not want to call it "dumb" or "stupid." At present it seems fashionable among many interested in politics to pick out any old absurdist claim and run with it despite the obvious stupidity. The prize for the most stupid must go to the search for bamboo in the paper ballots proving that they came from China and the election was rigged. To be a loyal Trump supporter now requires a complete and willing suspension of any rationality. It's turned into a merry farce. Tomorrow I shall read that President Biden is really a Martian sent to undermine the Constitution and that the White House has been subjected to ultrasonic sound waves which turn normally sane people into socialists frothing at the mouth and baying for blood. I blame the TV. Teachers do their best with the material they are presented with.