Republicans pride themselves on representing law and order and some are now saying the Senate shouldn't prosecute President Tump because he has left office. But isn't law and order the whole point of the exercise? Did Donald Trump break the law? More and more Republican senators express indifference about the impeachment trial and reluctance to finding an ex-President guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. Trump may have committed sedition by encouraging the mob but he is out of office so the whole exercise is a waste of time. If you apply the similar logic to anyone accused of any crime, the argument does not hold up. A bank manager robs his bank but he has been fired and the money returned so we should just let him go? I don't think so. We are a nation of laws. The President is subject to those laws as we are. The question remains did he break the law? He is entitled to a trial as every man is. He can have lawyers to defend him. He should have his day in court. Was he guilty of sedition? Did he incite his supporters to storm the Capitol? Republicans swear to uphold the Constitution. Whatever their politics, they must stand by the oath they swore to that Constitution.