For a would be coup leader, Trump reveals himself as inept as he has been as a President. Not only does he not understand how Congress or the Constitution work but has only a sketchy knowledge of how to undermine the legal and political systems to maintain himself in power. He could have learned how to be successful in that area from his friend, President Putin who, step by step, has solidified his grip on Russia by securing control of the economy through oligarchs beholden to him, then controlling the legislature by the same process and the judiciary by making sure only those who support him are appointed. (Trump tried this but it didn't work.) Putin, well schooled in the KGB, has combined the equivalent of the FBI, CIA and the police forces and put himself at the head. Easy really. He is there for life now, happily poisoning his opponents! Stalin reborn. We live in a democracy which has a Constitution which makes it difficult though there seem to be enough willing participants in the Republican Party to help Trump stay in power and make themselves rich and powerful at the same time. We are blessed, however with patriotic officials in Georgia who still have backbones.