Is it good journalism or feeding the partisan divide to publish an editorial calling for an end to bickering between Republicans and Democrats, then following it by an editorial by Rich Lowry who earns his living rubbing that wound? According to Lowry's article, Biden suffers "delusions of grandeur," "is monumentally arrogant" and has embarked on erecting a "massive progressive edifice" which is "certainly bound to fail." To Lowry, Biden is a would-be FDR without the mandate from the electors and is a radical with an inflated self-image. Lowry stirs the political pot using all the memes and language necessary to comfort those who lean to the right. He is a good attack dog. Moderation? Carefully considered and informed debate as to the value of what Biden is proposing? No. Because that doesn't get people wound up or sell to ex-Trump supporters, so it is swept to the side with a wave of the conservative hand. Lowry's solution to America's challenges? Let's stop Biden doing anything so that the next four years are like the last four years. According to him, left wing progressive socialism is undermining the United States. Let's sit around for another four years doing nothing.