Your reader from Chandler rightly points to the socialist threat from Hollywood actors. Senator McCarthy did just this back in the fifties. We need to fight the scourge of socialism. For too long we have tolerated its greasy tentacles wrapping themselves around our lives and the minds of our children. For too long we have paid for socialist programs like Social Security, Medicare and now child care and food stamps. As Americans we have always been an independent people and don't need constant handouts from the state. Now that we've stopped spending $100 million per day propping up Afghanistan, we can give this money to businessmen so that they can buy bigger houses with more bathrooms. This will help the economy. Arizona is being overrun with socialists. They are everywhere. Let's send the Proud Boys and other groups of patriotic Americans to sort these socialist out just like they did at the Capitol. A smart brown uniform would help identify them as true patriots, with a nice red armband. Otherwise we will end us as part of Communist Russian, our children will have have to speak Chinese. Free America from the perils of socialist, Marxist, Maoist hegemony and Pelosi.