Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


One swallow doesn't make a summer just as one group of gangsters robbing stores in LA doesn't make for an "unstoppable tide of robbers across the country." Rich Lowry is up to his usual rhetorical tricks. It's called the dicto simpliciter fallacy. A fancy name for when a writer makes a claim which is so broad that it cannot be proven or disproved. Lowry likes this fallacy. Fox News is another adherent. Makes all the conservative "hurrumpah lumpahs" prick up their ears and mutter to their consorts "Told you. Country is going to the dogs. It's all these damn socialists. Biden's fault!" "Yes darling," replies the consort, "have you taken your pills this morning? Remember the doctor warned you about getting too aggravated." According to Lowry "it's open season for people to take whatever they want." That includes you and me. Let's pop down to the Gucci store immediately and help ourselves to some of their goodies? I hope they still have my size. The socialists have defunded the police in any case which should make everything easier... Ooops. Stock market just went through the floor. Must be Biden again with his spending bills. We were warned. Happy Black Friday.