Everyone knows about rose tinted spectacles but do they know about the blue tinted variety? Blue tinted spectacles are worn by writers like Rich Lowry when writing about Democrats. Blue tinted spectacles allow wearers to see their own correct level of political distortion. Joe Biden, who was once "passive and detached," now becomes "distorted" and "demagogic." With a brand new pair of blue tinted spectacles, the new Georgia election laws are just measures to make voting safer and more reliable. The new laws have been "fully debated" by Republicans and are examples of "well-crafted legislation" with "sensible rationales" making it "easier for election workers to handle." Blue tinted spectacles allow you to see all this and not ask any questions like, why weren't all these improvements passed before the last election in Republican controlled states? By passionately protesting these new voting laws, Biden has shown himself to be both "recklessly irresponsible and deeply cynical" lacking statesmanship and truthfulness. Blue tinted spectacles! Get a pair now from any Republican outlet. $99.99. plus a free pillow.