Listening to some of the voices of those attending CPAC, I have come to the conclusion that reasoned debate is not the greatest strength of many Republican supporters. Nancy Barto's hodgepodge defense of Senate Bill 1457 follows the same pattern. She is against the abortion pill because of two cases of women who had problems. All the more reason to put the decision about abortion in the hands of medical providers. It should be a private decision between a woman and a qualified physician. Every woman has the right to control her own body. If men were the ones to bear children, I am sure we would not even be having this debate. Barto and a lot of men think they have the right to control women's bodies. Nobody argues about a man's right to do what he wants with his sperm! Whatever private opinions you hold about the rights and wrongs of abortion that's what they should be - private. Trying to nibble away piecemeal at a woman's right to control her own body is insulting. Getting young women and men sound medical advice about their reproductive lives and responsibilities would be far better use of politcians' time and efforts. We need to move on.