You would think that the general population would understand that if you put vital energy supply lines in the hands of companies whose main aim is to make profits for their shareholders, that when these companies cut costs to increase profitability, they fail. Over the years we've experienced the failures, e.g. Enron. APS in Arizona is a local example. The Colonial Pipeline in the Eastern states whose whole system failed because of Russian cyber attacks is another. Russian hackers, winked at by the Russian state, are laughing all the way to the bank. Since these energy supply systems are vital to our economic and domestic livelihoods perhaps putting everything in the hands of commercial enterprises is not such a good idea. We need the State to look after them and protect them for all of us. Free enterprise is great but has its limitations. Those limitations are on view in the lines of motorists trying to fill their cars with gas. Shouldn't the administration and Congress be working to protect what is vital to our progress and way of life? Or do we leave everything to big business whose only aim is to bolster their quarterly profits?