t is fitting on the anniversary of 9/11 to pay tribute to all those we lost. Our country was attacked by terrorists and we went to war against them and the extremism they represent. We are fighting them still and will continue to fight in the future. Bin Laden's aim in downing the World Trade Center was to undermine our confidence in ourselves and our society. Unfortunately after twenty years, there are internal forces in our society which continue to undermine that confidence. Our elections, the very system which is the bedrock of our democratic process, is under attack. Those with extreme political views attack politicians, threatening their lives. Those administering our elections have been threatened. Those who doubt the validity and security of our democratic process are funneling money to extremist organizations. There are men and women in Congress who tacitly support them, raising money to undermine the election process. Nobody is safe. They are happy to bury the truth under a mountain of lies and wild conspiracies. On January 6th the enemies of American democracy were in plain sight. Bin Laden, if he were alive, might claim, his mission had succeeded. Hopefully not.