My wife tells me I drive like an old woman. I stay within the speed limits. I keep the appropriate braking distance from the vehicle in front and slow down where I have to. At traffic lights, before going into an intersection, I check left and right to see if a nutcase in running a red light. I avoid going out at night. If I do, it's "spot the drunk driver," not difficult and keep well away. Saturday night and Friday night they double in number. I slow down for cyclists and keep a watchful eye for any pedestrians. I slow down to make room for any vehicle feeding onto the freeway. I am in my own terms "a defensive driver" because there are so many suicidal nuts out there with itchy feet who enjoy weaving in and out of traffic from one stop light to the next or aggressive drivers who show how fast their Corolla goes. My philosophy? "Better late than DEAD on time" Every morning reading the newspaper I do a count of the dead. An image which stays in my head is watching the body of a man flopping around like a ragdoll in the driving seat as he skidded into a lamppost. It seems that the 1,072 road deaths in 2020 in Arizona are O.K. My wife's right. I am still alive.