Governor Ducey is a forward looking man with political ambitions. It's important for his future for him to be seen as a successful leader. He has an eye on being Mike Pence's running mate in 2024. For two years he has led Arizona through this pandemic. He has not been frightened to implement policies which were difficult and perhaps unpopular but he has had the nerves of steel to do just that. The Suns may not win the NBA, the Cardinals may go through a bad patch but as a state we are right up there with the leaders when it comes to the numbers of deaths from COVID per 100,000. Thanks to his policies and leadership we are not far behind Mississippi which has a 348 lead. Alabama is a solid second with 333. With 320 dead per hundred thousand, the number of dead Arizonans is now just one behind New Jersey and Louisiana. A few extra deaths and we could be third in the Nation. I hope Governor Ducey can use this to promote his candidacy. If we have more pandemics in the future or climate catastrophes or other major life threatening disasters, his decision making over the last two years will tell us what to expect. He is a man who would surely make the trains run on time.