Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Robb is a wizard with the figures and if he gets going with an analysis of comparative tax rates and their relationship to productivity in different states, my white flag goes up. The Greener Grass Economic Theory? People migrate to cheaper states which increases the population which increases the need for spending on infrastructure but lowers the tax base in the state they left. It that it? People being able to read and write is not per se an indicator of strong economic growth but the quality of education is incredibly important. Something wrong there. I subscribe to the idea that there are as many economic theories as there are economists. Goldberg then goes on to tickle the intellectual ivories with such incredible insights as some people, including children, don't vote. A difficult idea to grasp. And then politics is about disagreement. You could have fooled me. Finally a learned man with a Ph.D says we should trust science. Wrong! We should "LEARN" some science like the difference between sodium pentothal and potassium cyanide or the effects of the melting ice caps or how a pandemic works and how to prepare for next year's. It's India's turn now, I think. Blessings.