Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

FASCISM (1/09)

Almost on a weekly basis, The Arizona Republic prints references, either from readers or editorial writers about the dangers of socialism. Socialism is always the villain. If it's not socialism, it's liberalism or progressivism... it's implied wrongly that Democrats are the vanguard of some sort of communist revolution. The fear is that socialists masquerading as communists will spend everyone's money and destroy society as we know it. Only very rarely do we ever hear the word "fascism" being used which is ironic given that we have been witnessing fascism in its purest form in Washington this last week and listening to it being promulgated by politicians here is Arizona. Republicans who deny the legitimacy of this election are the equivalent of fascists trying to overthrow a legitimate election. Fascism is based on hatred, on us versus them, on exclusion, on racial superiority. Trump has been the instigator, "Lock them up" has been the Trumpian war cry. Hate is the mantra. "Fake news" every idea they dislike. Racial supremacy the underlying binding philosophy behind the politics.

Oddly the word "fascist" is rarely used to describe Republicans who have disputed the rule of law, and the facts of the election. Rumor, paranoia, and conspiracy are all used to whip up the emotions of the willing. Exploiting a sense of grievance and exclusion gives the most superficial ideas political weight and significance. Social media have given fascist ideas immediacy and currency. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, some people still believe Trump is right, that the election was rigged and stolen. But the newspapers have not called the actions of Republican politicians or supporters contesting this election fascist. They do not call them what they are and it's time we all did.

The rioter in the Capitol wearing a Camp Auschwitz shirt needs no further explanation. The general delight of rioters bringing destruction and mayhem to the Capitol in Washington has echoes of the setting fire to The Reichstag, home of the German parliament, in Berlin, on Monday 27 February 1933, four weeks after Adolf Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor of Germany. Every Trump supporter should be asked the question, "What would have happened to our lawful representatives going about their legal business had not Capitol police stepped in the way to slow the rioters down? One of them gave his life to defend them and our freedom. It's time we stopped being nice to Townsend, Gosar, Cruz, Biggs, Fann, Ward and those who attacked democracy, they and their supporters have only one name. They are fascists plain and simple. And we know what comes after fascists seize power and use their gangs and supporters to eliminate the opposition and anyone they dislike. After fascists take power come the camps and war and destruction and death.