Your reporter's analysis of Governor Ducey's career path revealed much of the man's character, an important aspect when measuring suitability for high office. Ducey describes himself as having an "executive" personality rather than a "legislative" one. I presume that means that, as Governor, he prefers making decisions rather than seeking legislative consensus. Being the "executive" during a period in which over 17,000 Arizonans lost their lives to COVID-19 surely gives him some responsibility for those deaths and the actions he took to try to prevent them. Jacinda Adhern, the PM of New Zealand has naturally gained authority from having kept the death toll in her country down to a mere 26. That Ducey, a loyal apostle of President Trump, sees this as the moment to relaunch his political fortunes might reflect his confidence. Some might see such confidence as premature. He must feel that the COVID deaths are in no way a political millstone around his neck.
When many Americans are happy to still support a man who bragged that he could shoot someone in the street and get away with it, that grabbing "pussy," at beauty contests was acceptable and that running the government like a mafia fiefdom with loyal followers rewarded, suggests that Governor Ducey must be confident he will receive the support of many Trump supporters. Potential political donors will have to weigh up the pros and cons and Ducey will, as you point out, have to increase his "twitter" presence. Hopefully Trump will reward his loyalty with some support and our memories of the losses of this pandemic diminish with time. He will need to work up more anxiety, as he has been doing, about foreigners flocking to cross the border and then maybe his political fortunes will flourish on the national stage as well.
If I were asked whether I would vote for him or not, my preference would always be for someone who, as far as I can find out, is honest, speaks the truth, has the best interests of all constituents at heart, is well educated, shuns the limelight and soapbox of TV and does the job of supporting the values that this country has represented since its foundation. Whether in name Republican or Democrat is not important. I accept that mistakes will be made. I will disagree. I want neither saint nor sinner. A person's character, however, is central to my support along with their willingness to stand for justice, honesty, compassion and fairness.