Watching the signing of the new gaming act was like witnessing a shark feeding frenzy. The state is expanding gambling and now that pot sales are booming, all we need now are lots of licensed brothels. The money should come pouring in to fill state coffers so that the Governor and his pals can hand out more money to even more of their friends. Forget the damage that will be done. Gaming, like pot, can be addictive. Those investing heavily know that fools and their money are easily parted and that gambling is for suckers. Of course the taxes from gaming could have supported healthcare for the poor, housing for the homeless, help for the addicted or even gone to our hospitals or schools. In lieu of that, profits could have gone into a Trust to support the arts and other worthwhile causes to improve our society but they won't. Like Charter Schools and the alternative fuel fiasco, they will end up in the pockets of the fat cats and those who follow the money trail. Sad.