Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


It would be a sad day if America were to lose its best and brightest citizens. Afghans are not stupid. Many thought and believed their country could change and become part of the modern world. That didn't happen. Many learned English and adapted and encouraged their children to be educated, both sons and daughters. They were good Muslims and went to mosque. They felt part of the modern world and looked forward to the future. Now they are fleeing the country they were born in after hurriedly filling a suitcase, out into the unknown, out into an America they had only imagined or seen on TV. Let's put out the welcome mat. America will be the stronger in the long term. Give me your poor, your educated masses, your best and most intelligent, your huddled masses fighting for freedom, yearning to be free and willing to work and strive and cross rivers and oceans to become Americans. To quote one of my ex students, "America was always great!" That's why so many want to come here to study, to work, to live and to raise families so their children are American.