Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Ladies, I am sure you realize that the latest sleight of hand by the Supreme Court means that once again you will have to do battle for the right to control your own body. The stupidity of the decision is mind bending, straight out of the Puritan male play book with an added flavor of communist dictatorship. If you dare get an abortion, which is your legal right, the Texas Bill can reward the snitches or anyone connected. Texas Republicans want to push women back to the Dark Ages, back to the street abortionists or having to travel out of state. It's so dumb almost on the same level as banning men from masturbating because it wastes God's precious seed. And if someone catches you at it, you can sue. Land of the free? You must be joking. Zealots are never happy until they are burning somebody preferably publicly, tied to a stake or torturing them for the sake of their principles and good of their souls. These people believe they are protecting life... except of course if you are one of the 645,000 who have just died from COVID. Collateral damage? "No masks. Vaccines don't work and No abortion." Putting it bluntly, it's straight from the good old fascist playbook.