In true conservative style, Rich Lowry has got himself a "gotcha" moment. By carefully reading news reports from all over the country, he has caught out those lying, hypocritical Democrats saying one thing and doing something different. They mandated masks for us and then didn't wear them themselves. What depravity! What underhanded skullduggery! President Trump never even believed in mask wearing! This is the sort of issue which could decide elections. It's a good job Lowry has his journalistic nose in this key issue. And it's all Biden's fault. Six months in power and he is too naive and too old and decrepit to see the Marxist wing of the lying, Democratic Party encouraging its supporters to invade the Capitol and seize power! Muriel Browser, Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, Lori Lightfoot are all COVID-19 hypocrites and in it together! Don't they realize that immigrants pouring across the border are spreading the new variant? But why does your newspaper give such prominence to this? Like much nowadays, I am beginning to suspect that there must be some money in it somewhere for somebody but I have no idea for whom or where it might come from. Who is the piper and who pays him?