Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Since the outbreak of the pandemic in February, the editors of The Republic have preferred not to use graphs. They do not believe graphs might be a way of telling the public about the outbreak. Perhaps they think graphs might frighten people. Numbers are better. No point in anticipating what might happen with a line going upwards. The NY Times uses graphs but the Republic doesn't. Numbers will do, preferably according to counties so that everything looks watered down. Bury the reality under the statistics. To show graphs of increasing infections from COVID, rising mortality rates, and hospital bed occupancy could undermine public confidence in the Governor wherever he is. Republican politicians might be put on the spot as they fearlessly battle to save the President from the avalanche of fake news about the election... How on earth would all those who voted for Trump cope with the truth? They above all must be protected from the harshness of reality. A graph might suggest that by ignoring mask wearing and social distancing, we will continue to infect each other and die for the next three months. People might start thinking that there were ways to fight the virus. God forbid!