Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

IF ONLY.... (1/13)

It amazes me that after over 10,000 deaths in Arizona from COVID-19 and the end nowhere in sight, there are still some who can justify and congratulate the Governor on his stewardship of the crisis. In the face of this tragedy and loss any discussion of alternative strategies is hypothetical. Looking at the way other countries acted is one way of bringing clarity. That we have one of the highest infection and mortality rates in the world per head of population ought to alert us to alternatives. If we had curtailed the spread of the virus by immediately locking down the society, restricting all movement and travel as Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, Taiwan and South Korea did, then quickly set up testing facilities to know where the virus was, then put resources into contact tracing, our death and sickness rates might have been halved. Singapore had 29 deaths, Australia 907, New Zealand 25, South Korea 1,185, US 373,000. We COULD have had only 7,000 deaths or perhaps less but unfortunately our political leadership is too stupid to understand how to fight a pandemic and couldn't get the message out. If we had locked down initially, we might now be open for business.