Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


It is highly unlikely that either a wall or treating immigrants arriving at our border cruelly will solve the problems of immigration. That some expect Biden to solve the problem in two months and are now using it to whip up the partisan divisions reflects our current sad state of politics. The question could be asked why immigrants are not pouring down across the northern border? Why are Canadians not sending bus loads of children to seek sanctuary in the United States? The answer lies in the social and economic conditions in the countries to the south, problems which include poverty, crime, political instability, corruption and desperation. Trying to restrict border crossings does not solve these problems. The worse they get the greater the desperation and the more ingenious and dangerous the ways people will find to try to secure decent lives for their children. The problems of climate change will make the problems worse over the next twenty years. The solution is to have consistent long term policies which improve living conditions and infrastructure in the countries from which people are fleeing. Sensible incentives are needed to keep people where they live.