Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Israel's Netanyahu is a cool piece of work. He knows how to play his cards. He has no mandate to rule, can't win an election so he has to find a way to make himself the savior and defender of Israel. Step by step, house by house, deed by deed ever since the war of '73, Israelis have been buying out East Jerusalem from the Palestinians. Step by step, they have illegally annexed areas of the West Bank and declared them Israeli territory. Gaza is a prison camp. The people of Gaza are poor, powerless. It is in Israel's interest to foment their anger, allow them a few rockets, fence them in, shoot them if their youths attack you with sling shots and then bomb them with F16s to show them how powerful you are and how powerless they are. We are their allies. We give them almost everything they need. They have the bomb. Peace with Iran? A disaster. They have the holocaust to fall back on for any justification for murder or assassination. Make peace. Why? There's no reason. Israel always makes war. It's good at it. Peace would mean compromise. It would mean sharing those ancient lands already soaked in centuries of blood with all the descendants of Abraham.