Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet

IT'S A WRY HEAT (7/08)

Arizona thrived as a state once air conditioning was invented. Before that, it was a difficult place to live comfortably. Wet sheets on a line were one solution. The iceman came and did good business. Trains hauled the blocks of ice down from the north. To be a true Arizonan you knew how to cope. Water has always been difficult. Water rights were a shooting matter. We now have a water system which the rest of the world comes to look at. Reservoirs, ground water, underground stored water... a man-made canal and the mighty Colorado. We are as prepared as anyone can be for drought. When states and countries north of us get at little overheated, we secretly smile. 116°? That's not too bad. 110 degrees for two months? A little heaty, sweaty maybe... it will cool down eventually... sort of. Let's go for a vacation. Now that we are into the period of serious global warming, and been warned that Phoenix is going to feel like Baghdad, we are sort of ready. Aren't we? Maybe we will have to go up to the Mogollon Rim to the cottage for a month in the summer just to cool off or San Diego if it hasn't burned down. But we can cope. That's Arizonans for you. Stop complaining will you!