The Republic Editorial Board has been working overtime! Another Goldberg "gotcha" moment. Biden picking an "idiotic date" for withdrawal. Goldberg, of course, ignores the reality that four administrations supported the myth that with millions of dollars you could put together an effective Afghan army made up of men who could barely read or write. Duh! Ignore Trump's negotiations with the Taliban which are the equivalent of sitting down and having tea and crumpets with Al Qaeda. Suddenly Goldberg is worried about "our national honor," accusing the whole administration of "an unforced moral strategic blunder." Wow! Biden managed to do all that in only six months! We are now an unreliable ally. Tell the UK and Germany, and Japan and France, etc. Then there's the letter equating NZ's democratically elected PM to Stalin because she protected the lives of her citizens with a temporary lockdown. That must put our Ducey roughly on a par with Attila the Hun. Who cares about 18,504 dead Arizonans? We are not communists. I hope they're listening, the dead that is. I know you publish this stuff to try to be fair but really could we raise the intellectual level of discussion a teeny bit?