Like one of the witches in Shakespeare's Scottish play or a Delphic oracle, Jonah Goldberg tells us what's going to happen in the elections in 2024. He prognosticates, anticipates, conjectures, supposes, guesses, reads the bones, interprets the runes. "There will be a great explosion, winds will blow. Biden will drop dead. Trump will have a heart attack. There will be great floods and winds and shootings and drownings." (I'm joking. I think?) And really that's about it. We will all be three years older. That's a promise. If you had written in 2017 that in 2020-21 over 750 thousand Americans would die in a pandemic, you would have been treated like a raving lunatic. Might I suggest Goldberg occupy his time more usefully by instead of reading the tea leaves, write an analysis of the present investigation into the January 6th invasion of Congress or the effects of the lies told by politicians about the last election. Analyze the damage Trump and his supporters have done to America's reputation abroad. Also more importantly, figure out how to bring rural Americans out of poverty and ignorance and make them citizens of the 21st century. That would be challenging.