Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Rich Lowry, the doyen of conservative pundits, believes that Newsom, Governor of California, a "princeling of progressivism," deserves to be recalled. And why not. He has an extravagant wine bill and broke his own curfew. His possible replacement is a Fox conservative talk show host with no experience of government. That should sort California out good and proper. That will teach them to have the sixth biggest economy in the world. According to Lowry, Newsom should have let things rip in the sunshine state. Like Governor DeSantis in Florida. No masks? No social distancing? Florida's death rate from COVID is five times greater than California's. Floridians are tougher people, more COVID resistant, well sort of. DeSantis, a Trump princeling, knows how to do things properly. He doesn't have an extravagant wine bill. For four weeks now we have had Bad Biden from Lowry... now it's Bad Newsom... next week has to be Bad Bernie, then bad Elizabeth and then the really bad but awesomely beautiful Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, ex waitress. Perhaps the Republican philosophy of greed, hatred, and obfuscation is having some problems convincing people that they are the ones to vote for. Peace.