Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Reading today's attempted whitewash of Trump by Rich Lowry, I wonder as to the whereabouts of the Editorial Board's moral compass. Memories appear to be short. Did we not just survive four years of corruption at the highest level AND two impeachments? Did we not survive an attempted coup on Jan 6th, instigated and encouraged at the highest level of government? Did we not collude with Russian and North Korean enemies? Did we not turn our back on friends and allies? Was the country not ripped apart by a pandemic which has killed over 3/4 of a million Americans and which we were told by President and Vice President would disappear by Memorial Day? Now Trump brings "a new cultural combativeness to the GOP," is man "living off the legend of 2016" who "knows how to win or fight," a man with "magic." That he still has any political clout is testimony to a deep level of ignorance and willful blindness on the part of many Americans who have no interest in the truth, hide behind a false patriotism and trust social media platforms which seek only to exploit them and milk them of their cash. Spreading division, hatred, mistrust, false conspiracies and lies is not the American way.