We have entered a new era of American politics. With the latest ruling on the Texas abortion statute by the Supreme Court, we are now to be ruled by the decisions of the magical nine. We can kiss democracy as we know it goodbye. The Supreme Court now makes all the important decisions. If you want to change anything legally, get your lawyers to work on what you think the Supreme Court will like or not like. Forget about the law. Think about the tricky little innuendoes and verbal hairsplitting of the way you phrase and parse an argument. This selection of jurists faces only in one direction, backwards. If Roe v Wade gets overturned ...oh my oh my! What else can be overturned? Perhaps we can get get back to making slavery legal or even just a little bit illegal? It might stop the white supremacists. And our merry band of jurists are there for their lifetime. What a bonanza we are going to have! One small, tiny irrelevant question. Should women have the legal power to make decisions about their own bodies? Silly question. How stupid of me. Men will decide that for them. Goodbye Democracy. Hello Juristocracy. Vote for your choice of lawyer to put on the Supreme Court. When?