Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Your coverage of the lives lost to COVID-19 was moving and timely. I found it hard to read. it made me feel very lucky. I also felt angry that that so many lives were cut short unnecessarily and that the pain suffered by so many families might have been avoided. There was also anger that so many political leaders, from the ex-President downwards were so lacking in any understanding of how a pandemic works and its effects that they failed to get the message across to the public and to provide the infrastructure and direction to clamp down as quickly as possible. We know how to fight pandemics and proved it with SARS and Ebola. Other countries have suffered far less in this pandemic and leadership made all the difference. For many people, because these deaths occur remotely, the direness of the loss is not real. I hope your coverage brought it home. The next time there's a risk of a pandemic and there will be a next time, speed is essential. Timely information, preparation, testing and tracing will save lives. In the meantime we must improve our medical and hospital infrastructure for all Americans. That certain sectors of the population are more vulnerable is unacceptable.