Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


Panic. Panic. The Marxists are coming AND they are teaching racist Critical Race Theory to our children. They are destroying our democracy. They might try to invade Congress and stop people voting, particularly minorities and different colored skin people and poor people and Native Americans who shouldn't be voting in any case because they don't have money. America belongs to white people. Doesn't it? We conquered it, didn't we? I am getting confused. Who is attacking and undermining democracy? Who has all the guns? Would The Arizona Republic please bring some clarity. Our American way of life is slipping down the drain. Any day now Marxists led by Bernie Sanders armed to the teeth with AR-15s, anti-bear spray and metal fencing will be invading Scottsdale and Paradise Valley and steal all the goodies and destroy all the beautiful houses bought with the wealth inherited from past generations who had slaves and wiped out the Native Americans. We MUST stop them now. Please send money, a lot of it, all you have in fact, to The Republican Party. Immediately c/o Governor Ducey, a man you can trust because he doesn't even know what corruption is.