Poor Jonah Goldberg seems to have tied his knickers in a twist about his rights and the rights of others to wear a mask or the right of politicians to mandate mask wearing. I personally, as a vaccinated citizen, require him, ask him, plead with him to set aside his profound philosophical, scientific and political doubts about the efficacy of wearing a mask and wear one, just for fun and to protect anybody else on the off chance they have come into contact with the virus or are carrying it. Willy-nilly this will protect the rest of the population and me. I realize this is selfish but I don't care. Wearing one may bend his ears a bit forward and he may be able to hear his own breathing but whether he is right or wrong, fewer people might end up having to listen to the sound of a ventilator or masked nurses wishing him bon voyage on the way to Lethe's wharf and the boat trip across the Acheron. Perhaps he could look on mask wearing just as a personal safety measure like wearing a jock strap.