Prince Andrew, the Queen's son, appears to have been caught in the act, attempting to enjoy the delights of a young woman á la manière de Monsieur Epstein, ably abetted by the latter's procuress. This accusation has gone far beyond Prince Harry smoking pot at school or running around naked at a party in a Las Vegas Hotel. This has nothing to do with the heir to the throne meeting clandestinely with a previous lover while married to a Princess of the realm or even a Duke's quiet sailory indiscretions or a grandfather's menage á trois with a car salesman's wife for that matter. We must ignore the careful manufacture of a reinforced chair for the overweight son of Queen Victoria, enabling him to enjoy Parisian ladies of the night. This is serious. This impugns, undermines the authority and reputation of the Queen of England. If Andrew were a man of honor, adhering to the values of the Knighthoods whose regalia he wears, he could discreetly save his mother any disgrace. A Japanese solution would be to select a tantō and plunge it into his abdomen, making a left-to-right cut, appropriate maybe but extreme. The act would require courage and a sense of honor, not characteristics for which Andrew is known. He did once fly a helicopter near the Falklands and has the medals to prove it. We, on this side of the pond, mired in so many sexual peccadillos of our own political figures whose arms have to be twisted violently for them to resign must stand by the Queen of England in this crisis because she shows and has shown for many years what constitutes courage in adversity, probity, service to the greater good, honesty and self-control, qualities which we all desperately need in these difficult times.