Reading this week's analysis of events in The Arizona Republic, I was presented with a headline "Rationality is not a white male thing." Difficult to know whether to laugh or cry. I asked my wife what she thought it meant and she replied that she hadn't had enough experience of white male things to comment. Rich Lowry dislikes universities generally and what he sees as left wing infiltration, so sets about giving them a drubbing. As far as he is concerned the hallowed halls of learning are hotbeds of deviant and irrational socialist thinking. He must spend many hours scouring the academic papers and books of would-be professors for errant thinking. His own thoughts reach levels of intellectualism few mortals attain. Who would have thought "to reason is deeply human?" Or knew the hunters of the Kaligahari used reason to catch their dinner. A stunning revelation! I can only assume that irrational hunters starved to death. Thanks to Lowry, Western civilization is back on track, rejecting faddish notions and tucking into what woke culture deems the "poisoned fruit of the patriarchy" - intellectual debate and rigor. Just like Lowry does. Hope it doesn't give us all indigestion.