Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


One of the challenges for a conservative pundit is that you have to declare which side of the political fence you are on. The rest of the time is spent finding reasons why the other side is wrong. According to Goldberg, Biden, the climatologists, Greta Thunberg etc. are all mistaken that we are heading for an existential crisis. What we should be doing is building more nuclear power stations. These blow up occasionally or get flooded but only a few people die. He reminded me of the Titantic. "The ship is unsinkable." "Humanity can survive climate change." Yes, I am sure a few people can survive. But damage done to the ecosystem by rising temperatures and the long term threat to our food and water supples it going to make it more and more difficult. The longer we delay taking meaningful action, the more suffering there will be. We are planning to put even more CO2 into the atmosphere. It's a bit like the pandemic. If we had acted promptly, shut down earlier, put mask mandates in place, socially distanced, we might have saved millions of lives. Some people weren't convinced of the benefit of vaccination even when dying. Careless talk by pundits sadly costs lives in the long run.