Numbers of editorial and letter writers express concern about Marxist or communist sympathizers. The irony is that the threat is minuscule when compared to the threat posed by the right wing. The threat to our democratic system is coming from the right and every dollar flowing into the right's bank accounts adds to their empowerment. Newspapers are happy to label progressives as Marxist but unwilling to call the extreme right by its true name - fascist. The fascist play book on how to gain power is to undermine the democratic process, stir up hatred for minorities, inflate the idea of threat from outside and use patriotism as a rallying call. If ex-President Trump had managed to persuade the military to follow him, we might be there now, watching tanks roll down Pennsylvania Avenue and jets flying overhead. These fascist inclinations have been aided and abetted here by Republican leaders like Gosar, Townsend, Ward, Gaetz and Taylor-Greene who think it is to their political advantage to throw more fuel on the fire. The more the public donate, the more they keep pressing the buttons. We must cut fascism's lifeline and defend our democracy. Next time they may succeed.