Alan S. Austin
Arizona Playwright • Writer • Poet


In the Monty Python sketch about a dead parrot, Cleese and Palin argue about whether a parrot Cleese was just sold is dead or not. Palin insists it's alive. Cleese insists it is dead. Reading Phil Boas' attempts to bring the Republican party back to life in Arizona reminded me of the sketch. Boas' main argument is that you should continue to support the Republican party because if the liberals take office, they will spend all our cash; we'll end up in a European-style democracy (God forbid); that support of Trump only makes the left thrive; that Florida's DeSantis is the next savior and that Democrats will dismantle American institutions. Not to mention that young socialists will tear down our society and even worse - if Republicans don't come to their senses America will head for another civil war. Mmmm. How about the Republican party is bankrupt of ideas, has undermined the judicial system, promoted the corrupt, ruined our reputation abroad and that support of Trump's populism is a manifestation of white insecurity. Their only political mantra is money and at heart represents nothing but cruelty. The Republican gift to America? Global warming and 610,000 deaths from COVID. It's a dead Parrot!